tips for healthy & strong nails

 you're gonna take a bath keep your hands out of the water and if you're gonna  wash the dishes i guess just try and wear gloves my third tip is a part of my nail care routine which is wearing a lot of nail oil nail oil keeps your nails hydrated and flexible which is key to preventing things like snapping and breaking when you do hit your nails on something by having flexible nails they are more likely to bend or flex under pressure rather than snap or break which is key to getting longer nails so i'm using this nail oil by revlon ideally you would want one that's pure jojoba oil because it's the oil with the smallest molecules in comparison to others but this is just what i have at the moment it does contain jojoba oil but it also contains other things i don't necessarily need so just keep that in mind oil with smaller molecules means it can deeply penetrate the nail plate which is needed because your body naturally hydrates your nails but from underneath and so the top layer does not get as much love and this means the top layer is probably very dry and even brittle and that's what makes it prone to breakage so i've just put nail oil around my cuticles so i can get in the gap between my cuticle and my nail polish and i also put it underneath my nail where it's naked so it can actually be more thoroughly absorbed in my unprofessional opinion i avoid nail strengtheners and nail hardeners just because they have the complete opposite effect of nail oil which is keeping your nails nice and flexible so when they do hit things they're more likely to bend or flex rather than actually break and that is exactly what nail hardeners and strengtheners are going to do for your nails they're going to be really hard like the title says but they're also going to be really brittle so then when you hit things your nails are going to crack and that is the complete opposite of what you want if you want long nails so that is just the reason why i don't recommend hardeners and strengtheners for your nails i only have a few tips for people who bite their nails because i know it's a habit that a lot of people try to break and i just started painting my nails with really nice intricate designs whenever i had math tests i would just spend so long on the designs that i wouldn't want to bite my nails off anymore before tests that is just what i did i know my sister used to bite her nails a lot and she just started wrapping band-aids around the ones that she used to chew on especially her thumbs and then she kind of just like grew out of the habit that way it took like a month or so but i also know that there is like really bitter nail polish that you can just like paint on and then every single time it like touches your tongue it tastes really awful so maybe you guys could try that my next tip for longer nails that's also part of my nail care routine is to use a glass nail file for the maintenance of your manicure regular emory nail files are usually pretty rough where they kind of shred away at your nail which will lead them to like flaking and like breaking later on glass nail files on the other hand generally have a very smooth grit so this is a glass file that i use from revlon i just file my nails in one direction on either side to get a kind of oval almond shape i also want to give you guys another tip that by filing your nails like back and forth and like not going in like one smooth direction will only like shred away at your nails and like make them break later on so just try this tip as well it's also important to keep your nails at a suitable length for your lifestyle  



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